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Culture Urine Test






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Report 2 Days / 48 hours

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Antibiotic Sensitivity byAntibiotic Sensitivity by.BACTERIAL CULTUREColony count 2Colony count 3Colony CountCOMMENTS MICROCulture MethodCulture ReportCulture Report:First Organism IsolatedFirst Organism Susceptibility InformationGRAM STAIN REPORTMIC NOTERemarks:Reporting DateSecond Organism IsolatedSecond Organism Susceptibility Information.Specimen Type :Third Organism IsolatedThird organism sensitivity byThird Organism Susceptibility Information

What is a culture urine test?

The body's liquid waste is excreted in the form of urine. Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are brought on by microorganisms. A urine culture test looks for microorganisms (bacteria) that cause infections in the urine. The bacteria or yeast causing a urinary tract infection can be found with a urine culture test (UTI). Antibiotics are necessary for the treatment of UTIs. An antibiotic sensitivity test can determine which antibiotic is most likely to eradicate a particular strain of bacteria if they start to multiply.

When does the doctor recommend the culture urine Test?

The doctor may recommend this test

  • To check urinary tract infections in children and adults.
  • Before starting treatment for UTI
  • Patients with complaints of fever, chills and rigours, burning and pain while passing urine. 
  • To identify if there is any antibiotic resistance 

What are the components of the culture urine test?

Culture is growing microorganisms like bacteria and yeast in a sample in the laboratory setting. A growth-promoting substances are added to a urine sample. If bacteria or yeast (a fungus) are present, they multiply. This growth indicates an infection in the urinary system. The test takes 24 to 48 hours. The test is prescribed alone or along with other tests of urinalysis

How do you read the report of the urine culture test?

The report shows a list of antibiotics tested and their sensitivity or resistance. The antibiotics listed with 'R' indicate that the antibiotic is resistant and would not be effective for treatment and 'S' indicates that the antibiotic is sensitive for treatment.

What are the prerequisites for the urine culture test?

  • No special preparations are required
  • The urine sample is collected in a clean container 
  • The test can be done any time of the day
  • The test will be reported in two Days
  • Wash your hands before the test and collect the midstream urine


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