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Maternal Quadruple Marker (14 To 20 Weeks) Test






Provide Maternal Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY); LMP or Ultrasound; IVF, Number of Fetuses (Single/ Twins); Diabetic Status & Body Weight in Kg, Smoking & Previous History of Trisomy 21 Pregnancy in Maternal Serum Screen form Valid Between 14- 22 Weeks Gestation (Ideal 15-20 Weeks)


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ALPHA FETO PROTEIN ( AFP)HCGINHIBIN ARemarks:Unconjugated Estriol (UE3),

Provide Maternal Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY); LMP or Ultrasound; IVF, Number of Fetuses (Single/ Twins); Diabetic Status & Body Weight in Kg, Smoking & Previous History of Trisomy 21 Pregnancy in Maternal Serum Screen form Valid Between 14- 22 Weeks Gestation (Ideal 15-20 Weeks)

Overview of Maternal Quadruple Marker Test Overview

The quadruple marker is a blood test typically suggested for moms-to-be in their second trimester, usually between the 14th and 20th weeks of pregnancy. This test checks for four different types of <">markers that are found in the pregnant women’s blood: 

  • Alpha Fetoprotein, 

  • Inhibin-A, 

  • Estriol, and

  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). 

HCG, uE3, and inhibin-A are hormones produced by the placenta and AFP is a hormone produced by the developing fetus. This test’s purpose is to identify potential genetic conditions in the baby, like Down syndrome, neural tube defects, trisomy 18, or abdominal wall defects. It's crucial to understand that while the results aren't final, they can signal the need for additional tests to confirm any diagnosis. Essentially, it acts as an initial screening tool to make healthcare providers aware of potential risks during pregnancy.

When is the Maternal Quadruple Marker Test Recommended?

It's part of the routine screening for pregnant women in their second trimester, scheduled between the 14th and 20th weeks. It does not pose any risk for the baby, as the blood is drawn from the mother’s vein. Your doctor might also suggest it based on your health or family history with birth defects or congenital disabilities. Other factors include viral infection during pregnancy, any harmful medication, or overexposure to UV radiation.

Components of the Maternal Quadruple Marker Test

The individual components of a maternal serum screen 4 quadruple proteins include four individual tests. High and low levels of these proteins and hormones describe the risk of birth defects in the developing fetus and provide useful information so that the doctor can recommend additional screening tests if necessary. The normal range for each of the maternal serum screen 4 quadruple hormones are also mentioned accordingly.

  • Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP): 

Normal AFP levels fall within the range of 15 to 150 ng/mL.

  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG): 

The usual HCG levels range between 10,000 to 60,000 mIU/mL.

  • Unconjugated Estriol (UE3): 

For UE3, the regular range spans from 30 to 200 mcg/24h.

  • Inhibin-A: 

The normal range of Inhibin A is expected to be around 1.0 MoM.

The normal value ranges may vary slightly with other labs. The results from the mentioned tests can help us check for potential risks of certain genetic conditions during pregnancy. These conditions include: 

  • Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards Syndrome leads to abnormalities in the body and slower development.

  • Trisomy 21, commonly referred to as Down Syndrome can cause several types of developmental delays and lifelong intellectual disabilities.

  • Neural Tube Defects or NTDscan cause paralysis of the lower extremities and, in some cases, learning difficulties.

Procedure and Prerequisite:

A quadruple marker test procedure is similar throughout all the tests since they are all blood tests, which are performed by drawing blood from the veins of the pregnant woman.It is a routine prenatal test that poses no risk of miscarriage or other pregnancy complications. 

The prerequisites for the quadruple marker test include providing details such as:

  • Date of birth of the mother in DD/MM/YY format 

  • LMP or ultrasound of the fetus

  • Number of fetuses in the womb currently

  • Diabetic status of the mother

  • Mother’s body weight in kg

  • History of smoking for mother during or before pregnancy

  • Previous history of Trisomy 21 pregnancy in the quadruple marker test form


The quadruple test can help identify the unborn baby’s health which makes the parents very anxious. It’s a routine test with no risk of development to the fetus and the mother. Additionally, seeing the results, the doctor can prescribe further screening if required. Any abnormal reports need to be further confirmed with additional tests under the guidance of a genetic counselorand doctor.

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